Supermarket Lighting Solutions IGA Woodend

Supermarket Lighting Solutions IGA Woodend

Aglo Systems collaborated with Metcash to provide supermarket lighting solutions, including the design and supply for the IGA Supermarket in Woodend. The store, situated in the Shire of Macedon Ranges, has been eagerly awaited by locals and offers a wide range of groceries, including items from local producers. Store manager Lloyd Haggar aimed to create a vibrant atmosphere with colourful produce, similar to a Whole Foods supermarket in America.

The supermarket lighting solutions design was created by Aglo’s Lighting Design team, who broke down the supermarket into different lighting zones, including general lighting, fresh produce lighting, liquor lighting, deli lighting, food preparation area lighting, back of house lighting, and aisle bays and signage lighting.

To meet the client’s requirements, Aglo used a range of Mondolux products, including Hartley Spotlight, Mons-C Trunking, 5075 Extrusion, Cosmos High Bay, Queens Fixed Downlight, Esen Eco Downlight, Sorrento Maxi Downlight, Gela Batten, and Sirius Batten. No additional products were required. The liquor area featured CRI90, while all other areas featured CRI80.

Aglo’s Lighting Design team achieved 1000lx in aisles, 1500lx in fresh produce, 1500-1800lx in liquor, and 800-1000lx in deli/prep areas. The design included a feature timber ceiling with 5075 surface mount extrusion at the point of sale; checkout-entry and a feature mesh ceiling with track lighting in the liquor area.

The IGA Woodend supermarket project was successfully completed, meeting the client’s needs and aligning with the Metcash design brief. The team’s use of high-quality products and lighting design resulted in well-lit and stylish supermarket.

Project Collaborators:

Client: Metcash 

Electrician: Recom Electrical 

Product: Mondolux 

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